
All examples are located in examples/ directory.


Using Python virtual environment is recommended. Look at Getting Started


example-data.json is example of Json-encoded file, which is valid against resolvers-yang data model

You can edit this Json and validate it against data model using:

$ make validate

No output means that example-data.json is valid.


The script will generate unbound.conf and kresd.conf resolvers configuration files.

Run generate_conf.py script with path to Json file as parameter:

$ python generate_conf.py example-data.json

If generated unbound.conf is converted to JSON by load_unb_conf_file_to_json.py script. The result does not have to be the same as input JSON for generate_conf.py script, because the configuration exclusively for Knot Resolver is ignored for Unbound.


The script will convert Unbound configuration file unbound.conf to Json-encoded file unb-data.json, which is validate with resolvers-yang data model. As example configuration file can be used unbound.conf created by running generate_conf.py

Run unbound_to_json.py with path to unbound.conf as parameter:

$ python unbound_to_json.py unbound.conf

No output means that the data in created unb-data.json are valid.

If you generate another unbound.conf from this Json using generate_conf.py script, it should be equal to unbound.conf, which was used as input parameter for load_unb_conf_file_to_json.py script.